Real Estate Post Card

How Realtors Can Find New Clients Using a Targeted Mailing List

How Realtors Find New Clients Realtors can find new clients by marketing through a targeted postal campaign.  We recently had one of our past customers come back for another mailing list. He’s a real estate agent from Baltimore, and he rented a small list some time ago, which produced great results for him. In this…

8 Tips to Improve This “Old Fashioned” Direct Mail Marketing Idea

8 Tips to Improve This “Old Fashioned” Direct Mail Marketing Idea

Do you Consider Direct Mail Old Fashioned? While I certainly don’t consider direct mail an “old-fashioned” direct marketing idea, I know many people do. What with all the Twitter-ing and facebook-ing and Tic-Tocing lenses and everything in between, it can be challenging for business owners to decide what to do with their marketing. Direct mail tends…

Social Media

SocialMedia No Need to Fight about it

James’ opinion is that posting regularly on social marketing (Facebook, twitter, Linked In, Foursquare, etc) is a great vehicle to use to promote yourself and your business. I agree with that, but, as I said to him, if I had to make an analogy, I would say that direct marketing is to bread and social marketing is to jam. I see social marketing as an added component to what you are already doing, but it’s certainly not the be-all and end-all.

Postcard Marketing

3 Reasons Postcards Are The Best Way To Advertise

Postcard Marketing When I say postcard marketing, maybe you think of the old-fashioned, jagged-edged dull pieces of cardstock.  Think again!  Today’s postcards are vibrant, high-impact creations with real images that’ll jump off the page at you.  And the best thing about them… 1. Postcards are Short and Personal Let’s face it; people just don’t have…

Direct Marketing

5 Reasons Why you should be using a direct marketing list today

Using Direct Marketing lists By now, you’ve probably heard the saying, “the money is in the list.”   No? Well, I guess I put a new twist on an old expression. But it’s true!   I can’t think of a more efficient, profitable, and cost-effective way to target hundreds or even thousands of people with a…

Mail Vs Email
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Direct mail vs Email Marketing

Direct mail versus email marketing There has been a long debate about which is better: direct mail vs email marketing. At our firm, we offer both options for our clients. Direct mail is tried and true and statistically, it has a higher response rate. However, according to a new article in Chief Marketer, email marketing…

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