Postal List Examples

Many of our clients ask to see some postal list examples or a sample mailing list prior to receiving their Postal List Examplesdata.  They are curious to see what the list will look like when it’s delivered to them.

We have compiled a basic mailing list example and you may require more information on the output of your file.  For instance, you may wish phones, or their age, or income on the consumer file you receive.  Business lists have multiple options for an output of the file such as # employees, revenue, job titles, 100% contact names and many more… These examples are in excel and word but you can request various format options from excel, csv text, dbf, mailing label format, and text delimited.

These examples are pulled randomly and are purposely not accurate to protect privacy:

Click on the links below to see some samples of what postal lists look like.

Feel free to contact us today to see how we can help you grow your business.   We look forward to helping you succeed!