What are the basic prices, terms and conditions for renting lists?
99% of the time, a list is supplied on a one-time rental basis. This means that the list owner agrees to allow the renter to lease the data (in other words, use the list) one time in return for a fee. If a list has a price of “$150/M”, that means it has a base rental rate of $150.00 per thousand records, which is another way of saying 15 cents per record. Then you pay for other selects such as income, occupation, homeowner and so forth. Your list broker will outline all pricing in writing so there are no surprises. List owners may impose other restrictions on the use of a list or may even refuse to supply it altogether, such as to competitive marketers. They will often ask to see your mailing piece before they’ll approve the release of the list. This is so they can screen out competitive or offensive offers. Most list owners set a minimum order size which is usually 5,000 records or the equivalent of 5,000 records in money. If your target market fall sunder 5,000 records, sometimes your list broker can negotiate with the list owner to waive the minimum. We love to negotiate with list owners! The benefit of using our online count system is that there’s no minimum order and you can order very few records at a time if you so desire. These guidelines above are very general terms and conditions and all list owners reserve the right to set the price and terms for their lists. Your list broker can explain the specific terms and conditions of each and every list rental that you are considering.
Give us a call today at 1-888-848-1215 or fill out our Research Request so we can begin discussing your ideal target market. We look forward to helping you succeed!