looking for a Speciality Targeted Email List?
If you want a unique list, you may be interested in a Speciality Targeted Email List. We cannot possibly list them all, but here are some Business and Consumer specialty email lists to choose from.
Specialty Business Email Lists:
A Specialty business Email list uses basic industry (SIC Codes) and geographic location. You can add to your list by selecting employee size, geographic location, or any combination of the many selections available. Fields Included: Business Name, Contact Name, Contact Title*, Email Address, Mailing Address, Phone Number, Fax Number*, Sales Volume*, and Number of Employees*.
* Provided when available.
Specialty Consumer Email Lists
For a Specialty Consumer email list, let us help you succeed by targeting by location, age, gender, or special interest, such as university/college students, business opportunity seekers, payday loan leads, religion, gamblers, golfers, etc.
Fields Included: Name, Gender, City, State, Zip Code, Opt-In Website, IP, and Email Address. *Phone numbers, gender, and date of birth available upon request.