Email Marketing

Email Deployments Performed on your Behalf

People often ask us about opt-in email Deployments. An opt-in email Deployment is an email blast performed on your behalf and in most cases, you do not receive the list of emails.  These lists are compiled from email addresses of people who have agreed to accept emails regarding specific topics that are of interest to them.  Such as business newsletters or marketing messages announcing new products or sales.

“Opting in” means people have given permission to be contacted by email by either you or a third-party email list owner.

Do I receive the list when the Email Deployments are performed on my behalf?

In general, most email list providers will not sell the list of email addresses they have so carefully compiled. However, there are times when it is possible to rent a list of businesses with email addresses included on the list. It depends on the situation. Give us a call to discuss your unique project.

Our E-mail Deployments Solutions are:

  • Affordable – get started for as little as $1500.
  • We offer 100% opt-in e-mail
  • Targeted means: Numerous search criteria, for instance; interests, hobbies, age, online shopper, household income, annual sales, number of employees, title, plus many hundreds more.

We represent sources that have only 100% opt-in email addresses. The total databases we represent contain over 200 million email addresses. You can target your audience according to age, gender, job title, income, buying habits, hobbies, geography, domain (such as,, etc) and much, much more.

How Do Opt-in Email Deployments Work?

Normally – 99% of the time – we manage email campaigns on behalf of our clients. Opt-in email campaigns are available for consumer and business target contacts in minimum quantities of 10,000 records. Costs are determined by the list source, the select criteria, and the volume ordered. Typically, fully managed email campaigns start at approximately $1500.

Email Marketing

Steps to Success for a managed email campaign:

  1. Strategic List Services will help you identify your online prospects. (Who they are, what websites they visit, etc.)
  2. You will receive counts and a quote in writing that details every aspect of your email campaign upfront. There are no hidden fees or costs.
  3. You supply your HTML creative, your subject line, your from line and 5 or 6 test email addresses.
  4. We send a test email to your personal email address.
  5. Once you are satisfied with the test content, then we broadcast your email.
  6. We broadcast your message to your target audience.
  7. About 24 – 48 hours after the broadcast, we provide you with a tracking report to analyze your campaign’s performance. The tracking report shows you how many people opened the email, how many clicked on the links, and which links they clicked on. This is a great resource!

Feel free to fill out our no-obligation quick list quote form and one of our brokers will be happy to help you find exactly what you are looking for, whether it’s to have us manage your email campaign or buy opt-in email lists.

Get Started Now!