Email Tips Information You Should Know

Our Email Tips Information helps you understand the ins and outs of Email Marketing.  We are here to answer your questions.  We have the most accurate opt-in email lists on the market today.    Our clients are consistently happy with their results.  You can either go through our system to send your marketing message or buy the email addresses outright.

Email Tips

Sometimes, we have clients who like owning their email list of potential customers. They can email them anytime and continually follow up with them to nurture that relationship.  You do have to be can-spam compliant when doing your deployments.

Opt-in Email Deployed on your behalf

We have many clients who don’t want to manage the list themselves.  They would rather we send out their creative to someone elses’ opt-in list. Sometimes the opt-in list is simply unavailable to buy and can only be rented via a third party (that’s us). For example, if a customer knows that people who subscribe to a specific magazine would be ideal prospects for them.  Then we can send their email to those opt-in emails (arranged through the magazine publisher, of course), and we manage the opt-in email campaign for them from A to Z. After the opt-in email is sent out, they get a tracking report that shows the number of opens, the clicks and which links were clicked.

Where We Get Opt-in Email Lists

We only deal with vendors who can prove the email addresses are 100% opt-in.  Or permission-based by providing the time and date stamp and the IP address (if needed). In some cases, the opt-in lists also contain the full mailing address, so you can use the list for multi-channel marketing, not only email campaigns.

When you buy your list, we go over the Can-Spam rules with you to ensure that you are well aware of the dos and Don’ts associated with opt-in email. Your opt-in email list can be very, very targeted so that your marketing only goes to precisely the right people.

Full-Service Opt-in Email Campaigns

To conduct a managed opt-in email campaign with our firm, we first determine who your target market is and which are the best opt-in email lists to reach them. Then, all you need to do is supply us with your HTML email creative and your subject line (don’t worry, we can help you with that), then our trusted supplier sends out your email to their opt-in email subscribers. After the opt-in email is sent, you’ll receive a tracking report showing how many people opened and clicked. Working with our experienced opt-in email list brokers is:

  • Fast
  • Easy
  • All-Inclusive (no hidden fees here!)
  • Results Driven

Opt-in Email Tips Information

The late Corey Rudl, who was a well-known and well-respected Internet Marketer, wrote an excellent article many years ago entitled “Six Steps To Guaranteeing Your Opt-in Email Promotions Generate The Clicks, Hits, and Sales You Need!” A lot has changed since Cory started in Internet marketing, but we’ve learned a lot from him, and here are some of his key points:

Step 1: Send your opt-in email to a targeted list of people who will be interested in your offer.

Perhaps the most critical step in guaranteeing the success of your opt-in email promotions is that you email a targeted list of opt-in email subscribers. You’ll be wasting your time and energy if you don’t.

Step 2: Write benefit-oriented subject lines for your opt-in email.

When doing opt-in email promotions, your subject line can make or break your success – a critical point that the majority of marketers miss.

Think about all the opt-in emails you’re probably getting daily with subjects like:


Do you open this kind of opt-in email? Because I know I sure don’t! The subject line makes it evident that the email is spam… that it’s from someone you don’t know… or it doesn’t offer a clear benefit that makes you want to read it.

To hold the interest of your potential clients, you need to be able to communicate your point quickly and efficiently. Studies show that the brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text. We also know email deployments need a compelling image.

Now let me ask you a question: How many of your legitimate newsletters and opt-in emails are mistakenly deleted by your subscribers who read your subject lines and assume they must be spam! How many potential sales could you have saved simply by rewriting your subject lines?

I can’t answer these questions for you. However, I CAN teach you how to write opt-in email subject lines that will compel your subscribers to open and read any opt-in email you send them. When you write your subject lines, you have 3 choices:

Email Message Tips

  1. You can make an announcement or give news (e.g.,”IMC shows subscribers how to write killer subject lines”).
  2. You can make the reader curious (e.g., “IMC gives subscribers this secret marketing strategy…”).
  3. You can emphasize how the reader will benefit from opening your e-mail (e.g., Discover tips for writing subject lines that will increase your sales).

Out of these three techniques for opt-in email subject lines, you will always be most successful if you write subject lines that state a clear benefit and tell the reader exactly how they are going to save money, save time, make their life easier, etc., by opening and reading your opt-in email. If you can state a benefit AND create curiosity (e.g., Discover this proven marketing strategy that will increase your sales!), so much the better! But again, the key when writing subject lines is to emphasize benefits by considering your product or service from your customers’ point of view.

Your Client Benefits

  • How will they benefit from taking the time to read your e-mail?
  • What will they learn?
  • Is your product/service going to save them time?
  • Is it going to save them money?
  • Or is it going to improve their lives in some way?
  • Write subject lines that emphasize these benefits and I guarantee that you’ll dramatically increase the number of people who open and read your opt-in email.

Step 3: Your entire sales pitch should be summarized within the first paragraph.

The first paragraph should refer to your headline when sending an opt-in email, building further excitement and motivating your potential customer to continue reading. Just because you’ve convinced them to open your opt-in email with a compelling subject line doesn’t mean that you’re home free! You must build more excitement and make them curious about what’s coming! Again, the key is to focus on benefits when sending an opt-in email.

Step 4: Make your opt-in email easy to read!

Did you know that how you format your opt-in email can make or break the success of your opt-in email campaign? It’s true… If you make an error formatting your opt-in email to your customers and prospects, you risk looking unprofessional, destroying your credibility, and having your hard work tossed in the trash without ever being read.

  • Spell check and proofread everything!
  • Keep paragraphs 4-5 lines in length — no longer!
  • Test, test, test!

Step 5: Allow your subscribers to “opt out” of your mailing list.

At the end of all opt-in emails you send, you must give people the opportunity to opt-out of (i.e., be removed from) your e-mail database. This is important! It’s against the law not to.

Ready to get started with Opt-in Email?

If you would like to learn more about opt-in email and what your options are, and you want to reach a list broker really fast, the best thing to do is to pick up the phone and call 1-866-575-0043. Or just fill out our simple Research Request form. One of our list brokers will contact you to start researching the best opt-in email list for your project immediately.